Crocodile Farm

Popular locally as Taman Buaya, the erstwhile Crocodile Farm (now renamed as Crocodile Adventureland) is located in Teluk Datai Bay area at the northwestern end of the island. The entire farm area is growing across some 20 acres of land area out of which about half the area is accessible to tourists and visitors. Endure where croc farming takes place.

The farm is settled in lush greenery with mountains at the backdrop. You will see one of the biggest collections of Malaysian saltwater crocodiles on the farm of different species and sizes numbering over 1000 and containing both crocodiles and alligators (it's not tranquil to differentiate between the two types unless you are knowledgeable in the subject). 

While many crocs have been imported, lots are bred & multiply on the farm. The entire farm is divided into several sections or realizes ponds. There are placards at each segment giving information about the crocodiles in that section. Some of the ponds are small and looking at the number of crocs kept there, you may feel a bit sad and wish larger space was given. 

Mating season is between December to January - males are more aggressive at this time fighting for the fair to mate with females. The egg-laying season is between February to August - females are more aggressive at this time defending their eggs.

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