Geography in Russia

The geographical location of Russia comprises a major part of North Eurasia and stretches and covers a large area of Europe and Russia or the Russian Federation is one of the most populated countries in Europe, the largest city in the world, and is the 9th most populated country in the world. Russia is also a transcontinental country covering Northern Asia and Eastern Europe and occupies 1/10th of the total land on Earth. The capital city is Moscow and is also the largest city of Russia, while St. Petersburg is the second-largest city. The country has 11 different time zones and is surrounded by three oceans – the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean. The landscape of Russia comprises frozen coastline, deserts, tall mountains, and giant marshes. Russia majorly consists of treeless plains known as steppes. Siberia covers the 3/4th part of Russia and consists of pine forests known as taigas. There are around 100,00 rivers in Russia, and some of the powerful and longest rivers of the world can be found here. One can also find the largest lakes of Europe here: Onega and Ladoga. Lake Baikal situated in Siberia is one of the largest lakes. Major landforms of Russia are Altai Mountains, Mount Elbrus, Siberian Plateau, Siberian Plain, Caucasus Mountains, Kamchatka Peninsula, and the Stanovoy Mountains. A holiday to Russia can be a fun-filled one.

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