Get a Thai Massage

Most people visiting Thailand have a to-do list of things that they want to experience, and Thai massage is always very close to the top of that list. With such a wide range of massage options available to visitors, it can be difficult to find exactly what they are looking for. The Thai massage focuses on pressure points, unlike Western massage styles. The treatment often commences with the feet and gradually moves upwards towards the head. Rhythmic compressions and man oeuvres are techniques employed in order to relax and realign energies in the body. In accordance with the Ayurvedic principles of balancing one's energy, varying amounts of pressure are applied to energy lines along the body. Before starting you are given a tick sheet where you can ask the massage therapist to focus on certain areas of your body, highlight any health issues you might have and indicate the amount of pressure you would like. Rejuvenate your senses with our Thailand tours

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