Geography in Las Vegas

Las Vegas is situated in the focal point of Vegas Valley, a desert locale of around 600 square miles, which is encompassed by the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Spring Mountains. The seasons are very hot, breezy, and dry, with desert conditions and most extreme temperatures of 100 degrees F amid the mid year; in view of the mountains, notwithstanding, summer evenings are cool. Winters are calm.

The mountains around Las Vegas achieve rises of more than 10,000 feet, going about as obstructions to dampness from the Pacific Ocean. Rainfall is negligible and there are around 216 sunny mornings during the year. Snowfall is rare.

Situated in a dry and semiarid desert, Las Vegas is a town that actually shows up from no place. The Las Vegas scene is made for the most part out of rocks and soil with desert vegetation and greenery. Because of its land area, the city of Las Vegas sits on North America's biggest water shed known as the Great Basin. 

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